Management development

How can you as a manager achieve more motivation, energy, focus and efficiency in your team? Which management style is appropriate in which situation? Which leadership style is authentic for you? How can your leadership qualities be further developed? In management development, we take you on a journey to further develop your leadership skills and…

Team coaching

Anyone can communicate. We talk …

… wenn deine Kommunikation gut ist, dann bauen sich keine destruktiven Spannungen auf, dann gibt es keine inhaltlichen oder emotionalen Reibungsverluste in deinem Team. Dann löst das vertrauensvolle “Miteinander” das toxische “Gegeneinander” ab. Dann bist du und dein Team in der Lage, das “Große” zu sehen, kreativ völlig neue Wege zu erkennen und gemeinsam zu…

Team coaching

Appreciation and performance at the same time?

What nonsense! Based on our coaching and our own project experience, we say: yes, it is possible. Appreciation, respect, humanity and high performance, high focus, high energy – absolutely realistic. In our experience, appreciation, respect and humanity are the basis for really high team performance. Only when everything is in place do teams perform particularly…

Organizational development and team coaching

Lack of clarity, internal tensions and conflicts in your team? Or is your team coming out of a difficult phase and you want to strengthen it for the future? Would you like to create a “high-performance team” with lots of energy and satisfaction? With high motivation, good cooperation and appreciative, clear communication? With low fluctuation…