Food for thought, newsConcepts

Why an end-of-year reflection is good for your team!

It is good for all of us to take time to reflect. How was my soon-to-be past year? What am I satisfied with? Dissatisfied? What unresolved conflicts are weighing on my life? Where do I want to go in life? What strengths do I have to shape my life the way I want it to be?

Dear manager, your team is also a living being. It lives, it develops, it suffers and is satisfied, it has goals, wishes and dreams. And just like the individual, you can also give the team time to reflect.

So give the team a day of year-end reflection over the next few weeks to think about one or more of the following questions:

▶️ How have we developed this year? In terms of relationships, organization and content? And why? And what does that do to us?

▶️ How do we perceive each other today? How do we explain and evaluate ourselves and each other? Others? Customers? The boss? And why?

▶️ How do we describe our trust in ourselves? To each other? To and from others? To and from the boss? To and from customers? And why?

▶️ What power currents exist within the team and from outside? And what do these forces do in and with us? And why?

▶️ How clear are we about what we want? As a team? As individuals? Who we are? Where do we want to go? For example, how do we want to live trust, belonging, power, closeness, conflicts, communication, etc. as a team?

▶️ And how well can we discuss all these topics together? How is our communication?

As a manager, you can organize such a year-end reflection yourself. Or you can seek moderation support. Advantages of moderation:

1️⃣ You are part of the team and do not have to switch between the roles of moderator and manager

2️⃣ Moderators reflect back to you an independent, unbiased outside view

3️⃣ Moderators help you to consider the level of emotions and relationships

So: Give your team the time and opportunity to reflect together at the end of the year. With or without moderation. Up to you! But give the team this time. That is important!

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