In the previous series, we described the types of “I” we know in coaching – and in real life. We have described individual types (the little dictator, the free spirit, the rebel, etc.) – and you may have recognized many of them. Now – thank God – we are not just boringly one-dimensional, but multi-layered…
Discover how you can find balance and integration in your career as a free spirit and play to your strengths in the areas of creativity and innovation.
Discover how you can change your critical view of the world, become calmer and happier, and leave the role of victim.
Discover your ego states, discover what scares you, makes you small, reduces your self-esteem. Find out how you can develop strength and self-confidence – and what this can do for you and your private and professional environment. #ego parts #coaching #transactional analysis
Discover how head and heart can strengthen each other with image and body-based methods.
And how you can allow more wholeness, more empathy, more emotions.
Reflect on your authoritarian leadership style, find more inner peace and strength, work through any self-doubt and achieve more cohesion, strength and success in your team.
Find out why you as a manager sometimes find it difficult to let go instead of “mothering” or “fathering”.
And how you can find more peace and trust and thus find yourself again.
Learn more about the different “ego states” and their effects in life.
Discover ways to more freedom and energy with transactional analysis.
#Coaching #EgoParts
Find out how you can recognize and use your different “I” parts through coaching to find more freedom and satisfaction in life.
🌟 #coaching #self-discovery #freedom
Wie schaffst Du es, mit Dir selbst zufrieden zu sein? Klarheit zu schaffen, wo du bist, und wo du im Leben hin möchtest? Wie verbesserst Du Dein Auftreten und Deine Wirkung am Arbeitsplatz? Wie bekommst Du Beruf und Familie erfolgreich unter einen Hut? Wie erreichst Du, dass Dein Partner, Deine Freunde und Kollegen Dich stärker…