Team coaching

Anyone can communicate. We talk …

… if your communication is good, then no destructive tensions will build up and there will be no content-related or emotional friction in your team.

Then the trusting “together” replaces the toxic “against each other”. Then you and your team will be able to see the “big picture”, creatively recognize completely new paths and shape them together. To implement a vision.

Successful communication can be open, deep, intense, controversial and emotional. Good communication is both a binding agent and fuel. Good communication is central to the long-term success of you and your team.

We believe that communication problems in teams and organizations are commonplace. Communication is indeed an art, communication is not trivial. But communication can – and should – be learned.

Our team coaching program “The Art of Thinking Together” is based on William Isaacs’ tried-and-tested approaches and results in a systematic 6-point program:

1️⃣ Create a secure “container” for trusting communication

2️⃣ Learn to communicate – bilaterally and in a team

3️⃣ Learn to recognize and name patterns, dogmas and taboos

4️⃣ Understand how your “ecosystem” (team, environment, history, vision) influences your communication

5️⃣ Learn to recognize how your processes disrupt or improve communication

6️⃣ Operationalize communication consciously, in the form of appropriate structures of formal and informal communication

What are your experiences with successful or failed communication in a team? What really matters?