AI maturity

What is your company’s AI maturity?

“How does our corporate culture help me to benefit from AI, from systems like ChatGPT? Or does ignorance, lack of understanding or fear dominate beneath the surface of my organization?”

“Are there forces that would rather “carry on as usual”? How do we deal with that?”

We are now regularly asked questions like this when we talk to customers about corporate culture.

We then work to help organizations gain a realistic view of themselves, to understand their propensity and ability to innovate as well as their fears and inertia. And to develop a vision for the future.

In our experience, established approaches to measuring corporate culture are unfortunately not adequately geared towards issues relating to AI. Aspects relevant to success are not adequately taken into account.

With this in mind, we developed a tool to map the AI maturity of the corporate culture. We have chosen Denison’s culture radar as a starting point, which maps 4 views (mission, consistency, inclusion and adaptability). In subsequent articles, we will present examples of which cultural aspects can have a particular influence on the success of AI in your company for each of the 4 dimensions.

What is your AI maturity? Would you like to use our AI culture radar in your company? Then let’s talk: