Personal, individual coaching

Wie schaffst Du es, mit Dir selbst zufrieden zu sein? Klarheit zu schaffen, wo du bist, und wo du im Leben hin möchtest? Wie verbesserst Du Dein Auftreten und Deine Wirkung am Arbeitsplatz? Wie bekommst Du Beruf und Familie erfolgreich unter einen Hut? Wie erreichst Du, dass Dein Partner, Deine Freunde und Kollegen Dich stärker und gelassener wahrnehmen?

All dies sind mögliche Ziele, die Du im persönlichen Coaching bearbeiten kannst.

Wir nutzen im Coaching etabliere Konzepte und Methoden, beispielsweise aus der Transaktionsanalyse (Egogramm, Antreiber u.v.m.) – und natürlich eine wertschätzende, tiefe Auseinandersetzung mit Dir selbst. Wir helfen Dir damit, zu entdecken, was Dir Kraft, Energie und Freude schenkt und was Dich belastet. Du wirst deine Ängste, Deinen Frust, Deine Wut verstehen, bearbeiten und dadurch Klarheit, Leichtigkeit und Energie im Leben gewinnen.

Together we can work on giving you more direction in yourself and in your life. Or that you are able to communicate in an appreciative, respectful and open manner at eye level, even in difficult situations.

Ready for a journey to inner contentment and self-development? Let’s work together on your personal transformation! Get in touch here for a non-binding, free preliminary talk!

In 30 minutes we will shed light on your situation and you will understand how we can contribute to your personal development and the issues in your life.

Personal coaching - Life is your creation!

Food for thought

  • Leading teams successfully
    A very operational daily challenge as a manager: I have a team, a task. And now, what is my task to accomplish the task with the team? How do I best lead the team? A few thoughts on this, underpinned by actual conversations from our coaching practice. Overview Step 1: Can’t or don’t want to? Step 2: ...
  • Emotions – our driving forces and our enemies
    Feelings are our most important driving force, whether we like it or not. Feelings bring strength and energy (“fight”), block (“freeze”) and or let us flee important situations that need to be clarified (“flight”). Feelings are not always accessible to us. We sometimes think we are immune to them, but we collect them in our ...
  • Inner restlessness, dissatisfaction, insecurity? Is something missing in you? In your life?
    Inner restlessness, dissatisfaction, insecurity? Is something missing? 6 different situations of inner turmoil and ways of dealing with them.
  • How many am I? – A motivating introduction to transactional analysis
    What actually is my “I”? And what am I allowed to be? What do I allow myself? What do others allow me to be? Am I allowed to make clear announcements? Can I be caring and protective? Or do I always have to be rational and reasonable? But what if I want to be creative and free, playful ...
  • What is missing in leadership training?
    For management coaching and training, we are typically asked for concepts on leadership roles and styles, conflict management, change, communication, negotiation and much more. The managers to be trained should learn how to deal better with their team, how to motivate, develop, drive, etc. Ultimately, goals are to be achieved. One perspective is often ...
  • “The art of enduring yourself” by Michael Bordt
    “The Art of Enduring Yourself” by Michael Bordt – a book on a great reading list by my trainer and mentor Heika Eidenschink. I read this book 2 years ago and put it aside again. It seemed too simple, too superficial. I expected more advice, more concrete “tools” back then. A few weeks ...
  • Search Inside Yourself
    “Discover the power of mindfulness and emotional intelligence in everyday working life with ‘Search Inside Yourself’ by Chade-Meng Tan. A practical guide for more calm and compassion.” #Bookrecommendation #Mindfulness #EmotionalIntelligence #Coaching #PersonalDevelopment
  • Frustrated with your professional situation? What now?
    Find out how coaching can help you deal with frustration and anger. Discover the importance of self-care and new solutions. Contact us for questions and support.
  • Become a great leader and millionaire with us in 6 months, with a perfect work-life balance and a happy love life!
    Find out what coaching can really achieve. Not miracles, but strength, autonomy and sovereignty. Find out more in this article.
  • I’ve never been to New York …
    Discover how you can realize your desires and break out of confinement. Find out how Udo Jürgens’ coaching could inspire you to overcome your fears and find new paths. Make your dreams come true – even in New York.
2. April 2023