Fill out a new questionnaire

Here you can fill out our analytical tools (i.e. questionnaires) – and perhaps understand yourself and your team better as a result. You can save your answers and view them under “Profile / Your answers”. However, you can also carry out the analyses without saving your answers in your profile and instead save the results as a PDF. In this case, no data will be stored on our servers.

Topic Analysis
Personal development
Big Five personality test (in implementation)

The “Big Five” personality profiles are established, scientifically based evaluations for personality analysis.
We use them in management development and professional coaching.

Your conflict type

This test shows your individual tendency to deal with conflicts according to “The Art of Conflict” by Klaus Eidenschink.
The evaluation does not show how you can proceed to change and better regulate conflicts.
We use it in individual development and in conflict management for teams.

Your egogram

Your egogram shows which ego parts (adult, child, parent) contribute to your individual personality.
These ego parts contribute to your behavior, but also bring their individual fears, disappointments and anger with them.
Understanding these parts and their emotions in more detail firstly helps us to see our unconscious patterns much better.
And in the second step, understanding our parts helps us to become one with all facets of our personality.
And as a result, we become more stable, calmer, more balanced – and happier.

Your drivers

Your drivers describe the beliefs that determine your behavior – but often also your self-esteem.
Understanding drivers helps us to understand our behavior, our patterns, and often to smile about them.
It is important to remember this: Drivers are not good or bad in themselves.
A strong driver can also help you in life.

Team development and group dynamics

Your team dynamics

This analysis examines the current team dynamics, for example the quality of cooperation, trust, dealing with conflicts, etc. in the team.
The conceptual basis for these questions are the various aspects described by Patrick Lencioni in “5 Dysfunctions of a Team”.

Stress and resilience

Your resilience pyramid

Your resilience profile – or resilience pyramid – provides an initial overview of the topics you can work on yourself – with us if necessary – to strengthen your resilience to the environment, at work or at home and to reduce stress.

The resilience pyramid evaluates 12 topic areas that can be tackled independently of each other – depending on their relevance to you personally.

Your stress profile

The stress profile is also known as the ‘Freudenberger burnout wheel’ and provides an indication of our stress level and the extent to which stress has already had a negative impact on us.
We recommend using this evaluation only in the context of coaching, especially if you yourself are already experiencing an increased acute or chronic stress level.

How you deal with stress

Here we analyze how stress affects you, your body and your life: on the cognitive-emotional level, on the vegetative or on the motor level – or in a mixture.

Knowing how stress affects us helps us to understand how we can deal with it well and how we can reduce its impact on our well-being.

Your time personality

The time personality gives us initial indications of what influences our perception of time, time pressure and the resulting stress.
Yes – our stress is often intensified by time pressure.
But just as often there are drivers within us that change our individual perception of time pressure.
Understanding these is the starting point for personal development and coaching when it comes to stress caused by time pressure.

Your time wasters

Your time wasters are typical factors that increase actual or perceived time pressure and the resulting stress.
There are many starting points here for reducing our stress and strengthening our resilience.

We have implemented our analytical tools on the basis of scientifically proven instruments.

The Egogram and the Driver Test are classic questionnaires from transactional analysis, refined by our highly esteemed trainers and supervisors Heika Eidenschink and Gernot Weilharter.

The tools from the areas of stress/resilience (general) and time management are from the highly recommended specialist book“Burnout Prevention” by Thomas Bergner, which we recommend reading to anyone who wants to deal with stress and resilience.

18. December 2024