Food for thoughtTransactional analysis

How many am I? Or: The imprisoned, deeply unhappy artist and free spirit

Grrrrrrrrrr …. Doesn’t the chaotic person ever listen? We’ve explained to everyone how we do things! He does it differently again. And not in time. Now everyone has to chase after his little tricks again and work behind him. And his work results – again, completely different from everyone else’s. As if he were the most important! What a free spirit.

In fact, free spirits are often satisfied with their lives and themselves. They enjoy life, even if their teams and managers sometimes see things differently. They don’t want a “free child” (as transactional analysis calls this ego part), but an integrated team member, an effective leader.

Sometimes free spirits also need money and have to integrate into their job. Or they want to build a family – and in everyday, real, normal life, free spirits are not always able to do this without restrictions. This sometimes gives free spirits the feeling of being a victim of circumstances, processes, restrictions, marriage, partner, team, manager. Then frustration, anger, aggression and despair arise.

Do you like being a free spirit? How are you doing in the world?

Free spirits are often good for teams, for companies. The creativity and creative energy that free spirits can bring to a team is incredible. When free spirits find a balance between adaptation, control, performance and their freedom, when free spirits find space for creativity and craziness, then good things can happen.

Free spirits can also benefit from coaching. Especially if they feel trapped, if they are unhappy and desperate as a result.

Coaching is then about creating a broad view of different parts of the self, different roles. Helping free spirits in “locked-in situations” to find their individual freedom. Helping them to understand that frameworks, control, quality and performance are not attacks on their self-esteem.

When free spirits find a balance with themselves and find the freedom they need, the feeling of being a victim often disappears. Then sadness, frustration and fear also disappear.

Free spirits should not want to give up their “I” under any circumstances. They should be able to contribute their creativity and craziness. The much-vaunted innovation for companies is not possible without free spirits.

Would you like to get to know your ego states? Find ways to find more joy, peace and energy? Become “whole” and “strong” inside? Self-confident and self-assured? Taking the ‘wheel’ back into your own hands?

I would be happy to conduct an initial analysis of your ego states and patterns with you and reflect on the results together with you. Get in touch if you would like to know more about this “Short-term coaching on ego states”!

This article is part of the following mini-series on transactional analysis:

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