This was a brief summary of a phone call I received “out of the blue” this week from an ex-colleague. A very vividly formulated praise for our coaching team. But also a harrowing message: people feel like they are stuck in life and are looking for an independent sparring partner to help them navigate through…
Find out how you can respect and harmonize your different ego parts through effective coaching.
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How can I deal with professional conflicts confidently in my current situation? How can I act confidently, convincingly, calmly and confidently? How can I deal better with stress? Or with a look into the future – in which direction should I develop professionally? Which next career step suits me? How do I achieve this goal?…
Wie schaffst Du es, mit Dir selbst zufrieden zu sein? Klarheit zu schaffen, wo du bist, und wo du im Leben hin möchtest? Wie verbesserst Du Dein Auftreten und Deine Wirkung am Arbeitsplatz? Wie bekommst Du Beruf und Familie erfolgreich unter einen Hut? Wie erreichst Du, dass Dein Partner, Deine Freunde und Kollegen Dich stärker…