AI maturity

AI maturity – and how good is your organization’s adaptability?

As explained in the first post in this series, we have developed a tool – the AI culture radar – based on our work and discussions with our customers to map the AI maturity of your corporate culture.

Like Denison’s classic culture radar, the tool maps 4 segments (mission, consistency, inclusion and adaptability).

In the “Adaptability” segment, we look at aspects relating to the flexibility and agility of the organization, the “learning organization” and how the organization and its employees actively shape change themselves.

If we look at AI, the following questions arise from our perspective: ▶️ How are you shaping AI-induced change? Are your employees driving it? Or are you being driven? ▶️ What impact does AI have on your customer orientation? Positive? Do you know what customers are doing in the field of AI and are you increasing your customer focus? Or negative? AI gets ‘between you and your customers’? ▶️ The organization is continuously learning about and with AI? Are you testing flexibly, learning and changing your processes and products with and around AI?

We focus not only on the factual level, but also on the perception of your customer orientation, your continuous learning and your agility. Perhaps AI is ‘forcing’ you to be more adaptable? Perhaps the fear of disruptive change is also ‘slowing you down’?

What is your AI maturity? Would you like to use our AI culture radar in your company? Then let’s talk:

This article is part of a mini-series on AI maturity: