AI maturity

AI maturity – and how consistently do you think, feel and act within the company?

As explained in the first post in this series, we have developed a tool based on our work and discussions with our customers – the AI culture radar – to describe the AI maturity of your corporate culture.

Like Denison’s classic culture radar, the tool maps 4 segments (mission, consistency, inclusion and adaptability).

In the “Consistency” segment, we look at aspects relating to the core values of your company, the strength of your culture, your solution orientation (win-win), the consistency of values, procedures and ways of thinking across all areas of your organization and much more.

From our point of view, the following questions arise: – Have you reflected on your core values and leadership principles before the fundamental changes caused by AI? For example, how consistent are For example, how consistent are your AI strategy and your core values? Have contradictions been identified? Addressed? Resolved? – How quickly, well and clearly do you reach agreement on critical issues relating to AI? For example, when there are major changes in responsibilities, degrees of automation and processes? – Do you use AI consistently? Do different parts of the company have a uniform view of the benefits and risks of AI?

We focus not only on the factual level, not only on the basic values communicated on the intranet, but also on anchoring the basic values in convictions throughout the company, on the willingness to cooperate, on fears regarding AI and much more.

What is your AI maturity? Would you like to use our AI culture radar in your company? Then let’s talk:

This article is part of a mini-series on AI maturity: