Astrid von Soosten

As a holder of a fourth black belt in the Japanese martial art of Aikido, Astrid von Soosten uses the conflict resolution-oriented approach of Aikido to strengthen leadership presence. The transformative approach is not based on a purely cerebral approach, but is also promoted through physical experience. Her mantra is: attitude, action, results.

Her approach is based on the latest epigenetic findings, according to which our state of mind not only influences our body, but our physical activities also affect our mind and our attitude.

Focal points

Astrid von Soosten’s coaching focuses on leadership development/executive coaching, face-to-face training/
Somatic Coaching and personality development/personal coaching. Typical topics covered include

  • Taking on new tasks, positions, functions or management responsibility and developing leadership skills. Question: How do I fulfill this role?
  • Self-reflection, comparison of self-image and external image as well as personality and potential development. Question: What do I see, what does my counterpart see?
  • Concrete professional or private problem situations, conflict and relationship management, work-life balance. Question: How do I find a solution?
  • Organizational change, change management, team development.
    Question: How does motivation arise?


  • Born 1961, M.A. Sinology
  • Mother of two sons, married for over 30 years
  • 28 years of experience in business development and fundraising.
  • Including 14 years in Silicon Valley with startup experience and leadership positions in the academic and non-profit sectors.
  • 5 years experience as a Somatic and Leadership Coach
  • Aikidoka, 4th Dan (4th degree black belt)
  • Author of the book: Mit Haltung zum Wandel (oekomVerlag), co-authored with Beate Haverkamp

You can find an overview of our coaches here, a profile of the transformation manufactory with our profiles to download and share can be found here in German and here in English.

15. September 2024