Organizational development and team coaching

Lack of clarity, internal tensions and conflicts in your team? Or is your team coming out of a difficult phase and you want to strengthen it for the future? Would you like to create a “high-performance team” with lots of energy and satisfaction? With high motivation, good cooperation and appreciative, clear communication? With low fluctuation and strong cohesion?

We analyze your situation, strengths and weaknesses together. To do this, we use semi-structured interviews as well as tried-and-tested, scientifically based tools. On this basis, we give you food for thought for a roadmap for your long-term team development.

Together, we then use targeted interventions to unleash strengths and potential and promote motivation and communication in a targeted manner. If necessary, we help your team to resolve conflicts. Your team discovers new ways of working together. A positive working atmosphere is created in which your employees feel valued and can make the best possible use of their skills.

The result? A strong team that works with passion and enthusiasm, achieves its goals and surpasses itself! Together you will master your challenges and be ready for the future.

Would you also like to experience this transformation in your team? Then contact us for a non-binding discussion.

Team coaching and organizational consulting - create a strong team

Food for thought

  • Anyone can communicate. We talk …
    … if your communication is good, then no destructive tensions will build up and there will be no content-related or emotional friction in your team. Then the trusting “together” replaces the toxic “against each other”. Then you and your team will be able to see the “big picture”, creatively recognize completely new paths and shape ...
  • Examples of dysfunctional communication – and our solution program
    We all know examples of dysfunctional communication in teams. And yet we suffer from it time and time again. We think: “We don’t have to love each other. Just communicating well, openly and appreciatively would be nice …”. We observe the following in teams, for example: ▶️ Lack of clarity: messages are not ...
  • Yes – as a manager (or team coach) I can stabilize teams!
    What should you do if you recognize withdrawal, passivity, groupthink, power struggles or blindness to reality in the dynamics of your team? In other words, if you notice a so-called regression. As a manager (or team coach), it is important to intervene in a targeted manner in order to promote the positive development of the team. ...
  • Withdrawal? Passivity? Groupthink? Power struggles?
    Learn how regressions can occur in teams and what effects they have. As a manager and team coach, it is important to recognize and intervene at an early stage.
  • Appreciation and performance at the same time?
    What nonsense! Based on our coaching and our own project experience, we say: yes, it is possible. Appreciation, respect, humanity and high performance, high focus, high energy – absolutely realistic. In our experience, appreciation, respect and humanity are the basis for really high team performance. Only when everything is in place do teams perform ...
  • When a strategist, an implementer and a coach meet …
    Strategy, implementation and coaching should go hand in hand. Successful teams take the relationship level into account right from the start. Let’s achieve great things together! #success triangle
  • We don’t talk about that!
    Difficult situation on the market? Transformation? Employees leave you? Customers have doubts about your performance and quality? Have you heard the following phrases in your team? Or felt them unspoken? Or thought them as a manager? ➡️ “Talking about it brings unrest into the team. “They” should just be able to do their job.”➡️ “Those at the top ...
  • When is team development and coaching actually helpful, effective and more beneficial than a good lunch and dinner on a seminar day?
    Are you experiencing similar situations in your team? Poor performance, internal conflicts, lack of cooperation? We offer solutions that can help. Let’s talk. #Teamwork #Managers
  • Does coaching have a real business case?
    Do you want to be successful with a satisfied team? Coaching can be your key tool to improve employee efficiency and satisfaction and to be profitable in the long term.
19. July 2023