
How many are you? Torn apart inside? Or at peace with yourself?

Bringing mind, body and soul into harmony – sounds nice.

But isn’t it normal that we hear different voices within us? One part wants you to be well now and today. Another part tells you what you have to do, what obligations you have. A third part tells you that you are small, talks about shame and fear …

Listening to these different voices is always the first step in effective coaching. Respecting these parts of our personalities, taking them by the hand and developing self-empathy is often an essential part of the coaching journey together.

There, we work together to bring your different ego parts together to form a coherent, consistent whole, a team. In this way, we awaken versatility, harmony and stability in you and in your relationships with others.

You then connect mind, body and soul ever more strongly. This creates a feeling of wholeness and connectedness.

We look forward to seeing you! Book us via https://die-transformationsmanufaktur/buchung/.

Disclaimer. These are thoughts on one of the cornerstones of our coaching, the FACES concept by Daniel Siegel (recommended reading – “Mindsight”). So here is the “C” (consistency/coherence).